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When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Stream’s budget?

Answers of Question When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Stream’s budget? is Horizon 1 (investing and extracting), asked in SAFe APM Certification Exam. When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Streams budget?

More About SAFe APM Certification

SAFe APM Certification is given by SAFe and with SAFe APM Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Agile Methodology. The SAFe APM Certified users will have professionally capable of working in Agile environment. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Stream’s budget? You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 75% on each assessment to receive credit. SAFe APM Certification will make you expert in SAFe Agile Product Manager, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

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When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Stream’s budget?

Horizon 3 (evaluating)

Horizon 0 (retiring)

Horizon 2 (emerging)

Horizon 1 (investing and extracting)

Check All Question and Answers of SAFe APM Certification Exam Here.

Answer of When considering innovation and investment horizons, which area will typically consume the bulk of the Value Stream’s budget?

Horizon 1 (investing and extracting)

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Quando si considerano l’innovazione e gli orizzonti di investimento, che l’area consumerà in genere la maggior parte del budget del flusso di valore?
عند النظر في آفاق الابتكار والاستثمار، أي منطقة ستهلك عادة الجزء الأكبر من ميزانية دفق القيمة؟
Lorsque vous envisagez des horizons d’innovation et d’investissement, quelle zone consumera généralement la majeure partie du budget du flux de valeur?
Al considerar la innovación y los horizontes de inversión, ¿qué área normalmente consumirá la mayor parte del presupuesto del flujo de valor?
Bei der Berücksichtigung von Innovation und Investmenthorizonten, welcher Bereich wird normalerweise den Großteil des Budgets des Wertstroms verbrauchen?
При рассмотрении инноваций и инвестиционных горизонтов, в каком районе обычно потребляют массу бюджета потока стоимости?
Ao considerar os horizontes de inovação e investimento, qual área normalmente consumirá a maior parte do orçamento do fluxo de valor?

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