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Ramone’s client is allocating some of her advertising budget to YouTube to take advantage of Affinity Audiences. She wants to know more about Affinity Audiences before committing any resources. Which of the following isn’t a step Google uses to build an Affinity Audience for YouTube?

Ramone’s client is allocating some of her advertising budget to YouTube to take advantage of Affinity Audiences. She wants to know more about Affinity Audiences before committing any resources. Which of the following isn’t a step Google uses to build an Affinity Audience for YouTube? Correct Answer is Emails to sign users up, asked in Google Ads Video Certification Exam. Check All Question and Answers of Google Ads Video Certification Exam Here.

More About Google Ads Video Certification

Google Ads Video Certification is given by Google and with Google Ads Video Certification you can Showcase your ability to get results from YouTube and Google Video advertising solutions. The Google Ads Video Certification can studied in 165 minutes. Google ads video Certified users will demonstrate an understanding of how to tell effective stories on YouTube to reach potential customers along the entire purchase journey at scale. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, Ramone’s client is allocating some of her advertising budget to YouTube to take advantage of Affinity Audiences. She wants to know more about Affinity Audiences before committing any resources. Which of the following isn’t a step Google uses to build an Affinity Audience for YouTube? Google Ads Video Certification will make you expert in Google Youtube, google video advertising solution through which you can gain benefit in your business or career.

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Ramone’s client is allocating some of her advertising budget to YouTube to take advantage of Affinity Audiences. She wants to know more about Affinity Audiences before committing any resources. Which of the following isn’t a step Google uses to build an Affinity Audience for YouTube?

Machine learning to scale

Surveys to validate results

Signals to understand audience characteristics

Emails to sign users up

Check All Question and Answers of Google Ads Video Certification Exam Here.

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cliente di Ramone è l’allocazione po ‘del suo budget pubblicitario su YouTube per approfittare di pubblico di affinità. Vuole sapere di più su pubblico di affinità prima di commettere qualsiasi risorsa. Quale delle seguenti non è un passo Google utilizza per costruire un pubblico di affinità per YouTube?
العميل رامون غير تخصيص بعض من ميزانية الدعاية لها على يوتيوب للاستفادة من الجماهير الانجذاب. وقالت إنها تريد أن تعرف المزيد عن الجماهير الانجذاب قبل ارتكاب أي موارد. أي مما يلي ليست خطوة يستخدم جوجل لبناء جمهور الانجذاب لليوتيوب؟
Le client de Ramone alloue une partie de son budget publicitaire sur YouTube pour tirer profit des audiences d’affinité. Elle veut en savoir plus sur les audiences d’affinité avant d’engager des ressources. Lequel des éléments suivants n’est pas une étape Google utilise pour construire une audience d’affinité pour YouTube?
El cliente de Ramone está destinando parte de su presupuesto de publicidad en YouTube para tomar ventaja de los públicos afines. Ella quiere saber más acerca de las audiencias afines antes de cometer cualquier recurso. ¿Cuál de los siguientes no es un paso que Google utiliza para construir una audiencia de afinidad para YouTube?
Ramone des Kunden wird einige ihrer Werbebudget auf YouTube Zuteilung Vorteil von Affinity Audienzen zu nehmen. Sie will mehr über Affinity Audienzen wissen, bevor alle Ressourcen zu begehen. Welche der folgenden ist kein Schritt Google eine Affinität Publikum für YouTube bauen verwendet?
клиент Ramone является выделение некоторых из ее рекламного бюджета на YouTube, чтобы воспользоваться Аудитории. Она хочет знать больше о Аудитории перед совершением каких-либо ресурсов. Какие из перечисленных ниже не является шагом Google использует для построения аудитории Affinity для YouTube?
cliente do Ramone está alocando um pouco de seu orçamento de publicidade para o YouTube para aproveitar alvo de afinidade. Ela quer saber mais sobre o alvo de afinidade antes de cometer quaisquer recursos. Qual dos seguintes não é um passo Google usa para construir uma audiência Afinidade para o YouTube?

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