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Hiroko’s manager asks why Hiroko spends time working on her new Google App campaign. The manager believes machine learning is doing everything. What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign? Select All Correct Re

Here are the answers Set boundaries, Provide a lot of good data, Evolve the strategy, of Google Ads Apps Certification question Hiroko’s manager asks why Hiroko spends time working on her new Google App campaign. The manager believes machine learning is doing everything. What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign? Select All Correct Re

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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Hiroko’s manager asks why Hiroko spends time working on her new Google App campaign. The manager believes machine learning is doing everything. What are three ways in which Hiroko can help guide the machine learning powered campaign? Select All Correct Re

Update campaign settings daily

Adjust bids regularly

Set boundaries

Provide a lot of good data

Evolve the strategy

Our Expert Team researched a lot to keep website updated for certification practitioners for free. You can also contribute by updating new questions or existing question answer(s). We will give the credit for the same by adding your name on the question post. Kindly Comment below with your answers.

Il manager di Hiroko chiede perché Hiroko spende di lavoro il tempo per la sua nuova campagna di Google App. Il gestore ritiene machine learning sta facendo di tutto. Quali sono i tre modi in cui Hiroko può aiutare a guidare la macchina di apprendimento campagna di potenza? Seleziona tutto Re corretta
مدير هيروكو ويسأل لماذا هيروكو يمضي وقت العمل في حملتها تطبيقات جوجل الجديدة. مدير يعتقد تعلم الآلة يقوم به كل شيء. ما هي الطرق الثلاث التي هيروكو يمكن أن تساعد في توجيه آلة التعلم حملة بالطاقة؟ حدد كافة إعادة تصحيح
Le gestionnaire de Hiroko demande pourquoi Hiroko passe de temps sur travail sa nouvelle campagne Google App. Le gestionnaire croit que l’apprentissage de la machine fait tout. Quelles sont les trois façons dont Hiroko peut aider à guider la machine d’apprentissage campagne sous tension? Sélectionner tout correct Re
gerente de Hiroko Hiroko le pregunta por qué pasa el tiempo de trabajo en su nueva campaña de Google App. El gestor cree aprendizaje automático está haciendo todo. ¿Cuáles son tres formas en que Hiroko puede ayudar a guiar el aprendizaje de las máquinas campaña de potencia? Seleccionar todo Re correcta
Hiroko Manager fragen, warum Hiroko Zeit arbeitet sie an ihrem neuen Google App Kampagne verbringt. Der Manager glaubt, maschinelles Lernen alles tut. Was gibt drei Möglichkeiten, in denen Hiroko helfen, die maschinelles Lernen angetriebene Kampagne führen kann? Wählen Sie alle richtig Re
менеджер Хироко спрашивает, почему Хироко тратит время, работая над своей новой Google App кампании. Менеджер считает, машинное обучение делает все. Каков три способа, в которых Хироко может помочь вести машину обучения приведенной в действие кампании? Выбрать все правильно Re
gerente de Hiroko pergunta por Hiroko gasta trabalho vez em sua nova campanha Google App. O gerente acredita que a aprendizagem de máquina está fazendo tudo. Quais são as três maneiras em que Hiroko podem ajudar a orientar a aprendizagem de máquina campanha alimentado? Selecionar Tudo Re Correct

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