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For accurate targeting, assets are organized into ad groups that have shared topics most often related to which of the following? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Here are the answers Message, Theme, Audience, of Google Ads Apps Certification question For accurate targeting, assets are organized into ad groups that have shared topics most often related to which of the following? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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For accurate targeting, assets are organized into ad groups that have shared topics most often related to which of the following? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses



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Per il targeting preciso, le attività sono organizzati in gruppi di annunci che hanno condiviso argomenti più spesso legato a quale dei seguenti? (Scegliere tre.) Seleziona tutte le risposte corrette
لاستهداف دقيق، ويتم تنظيم الأصول إلى المجموعات الإعلانية التي تقاسمت أكثر المواضيع غالبا ما ترتبط التي مما يلي؟ (اختر ثلاثة.) حدد جميع الإجابات الصحيحة
Pour un ciblage précis, les actifs sont organisés en groupes d’annonces qui ont des sujets partagés le plus souvent lié à laquelle des options suivantes? (Choisissez trois.) Sélectionner toutes les réponses correctes
正確に標的とするために、資産はほとんどの場合、以下のどれに関連するトピックを共有している広告グループに編成されていますか? (3を選択してください。)すべての正答を選択
Para una orientación precisa, los activos se organizan en grupos de anuncios que han compartido los temas más frecuentemente relacionada con cuál de las siguientes? (Elija tres.) Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas
Für eine genaue Ausrichtung werden die Vermögenswerte in Anzeigengruppen organisiert, die Themen am häufigsten im Zusammenhang mit denen der folgenden geteilt haben? (Drei richtige Antworten.) Wählen Sie Alle richtigen Antworten
Для точного прицеливания, активы организованы в группы объявлений, которые имеют общие темы наиболее часто связаны с каким из следующих? (Выберите три.) Выбрать все правильные ответы
对于准确的定位,资产被组织成有共同主题的广告组最经常与下列哪一项? (选择三项。)选择正确的回应
Para mira precisa, os ativos são organizados em grupos de anúncios que têm temas comuns na maioria das vezes relacionada com qual das seguintes? (Escolha três.) Selecione todas as respostas corretas

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