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During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on. Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.)

Answers of Question During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on.
Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.)
is Up Sell, New Business, asked in SAFe APM Certification Exam. During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on. Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.)

More About SAFe APM Certification

SAFe APM Certification is given by SAFe and with SAFe APM Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Agile Methodology. The SAFe APM Certified users will have professionally capable of working in Agile environment. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on.
Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.) You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 75% on each assessment to receive credit. SAFe APM Certification will make you expert in SAFe Agile Product Manager, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

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During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on.
Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.)

Up Sell

Operational Efficiency

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Answer of During backlog refinement a new Feature is being discussed. One Business Owner claims that the Feature will serve existing customers best as an add-on.
Another Business Owner claims that the Feature will allow the product to be sold into an adjacent market segment. In which two categories should this Feature be placed? (Choose two.)

Up Sell

New Business

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Durante il raffinamento del backlog viene discussa una nuova funzionalità. Un imprenditore afferma che la funzione servirà meglio i clienti esistenti come un componente aggiuntivo.
Un altro proprietario di imprese afferma che la funzione consentirà che il prodotto venga venduto in un segmento di mercato adiacente. In quali due categorie dovrebbero essere collocate questa funzione? (Scegline due.)
أثناء تحسين التركيب، يتم مناقشة ميزة جديدة. يدعي صاحب عمل واحد أن الميزة ستعمل العملاء الموجودين بشكل أفضل كإضافة.
يدعي مالك أعمال آخر أن الميزة ستسمح بباعة المنتج في قطاع السوق المجاور. في أي فئتين يجب وضع هذه الميزة؟ (إختر إثنين.)
Lors du raffinement d’arriéré, une nouvelle fonctionnalité est en cours de discussion. Un propriétaire d’entreprise affirme que la fonctionnalité servira le meilleur des clients existants comme un complément.
Un autre propriétaire d’entreprise affirme que la fonctionnalité permettra au produit d’être vendu dans un segment de marché adjacent. Dans quelles deux catégories devraient-elles être placées? (Choisissez deux.)
バックログの改良中に新しい機能が議論されています。 1つの事業所有者は、その機能がアドオンとして既存の顧客を最もよく提供すると主張しています。
もう1つの事業主は、その機能が製品を隣接する市場セグメントに売却できるようにすると主張しています。この機能を2つのカテゴリに配置する必要がありますか? (2を選択してください。)
Durante el refinamiento de la backlog se está discutiendo una nueva característica. Un propietario de un negocio afirma que la función atenderá mejor a los clientes existentes como complemento.
Otro propietario de un negocio afirma que la característica permitirá que el producto se vendiera en un segmento de mercado adyacente. ¿En qué dos categorías deberían colocarse esta característica? (Escoge dos.)
Während der Backlog-Verfeinerung wird eine neue Funktion diskutiert. Ein Geschäftsinhaber behauptet, dass die Funktion bestehende Kunden am besten als Add-On dienen wird.
Ein weiterer Geschäftsbesitzer behauptet, dass das Funktionen das Produkt ermöglicht, in ein benachbartes Marktsegment zu verkauft. In welchen zwei Kategorien sollte diese Funktion platziert werden? (Wähle zwei.)
Во время уточнения отставания обсуждается новая функция. Один владелец бизнеса утверждает, что функция будет служить существующим клиентам, лучшим в качестве дополнения.
Другой владелец бизнеса утверждает, что функция позволит продать продукту в соседний сегмент рынка. В каких двух категориях должна быть размещена эта функция? (Выберите два.)
另一个企业营业店声称该功能将允许产品销售到相邻的市段中。在哪两个类别应该放置在其中? (选择两个。)
Durante o refinamento do backlog, um novo recurso está sendo discutido. Um proprietário da empresa afirma que o recurso servirá os clientes existentes melhor como um complemento.
Outro empresário alega que o recurso permitirá que o produto seja vendido em um segmento de mercado adjacente. Em que duas categorias devem ser colocadas? (Escolha dois.)

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