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At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

Here are the answers Campaign level, of Google Ads Apps Certification question At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

You should visit our few findings below for success in exam
1. Google Ads Apps Certification Official Link
2. Completed Google Ads Apps Certification Exam Answers
3. Completed Google Certification Exam Details
3. Other Best Free Certification Exam Details
4. Google Ads Apps Certification Knowledge check assessment Exam Answers is providing the answer of questions asked in Google Ads Apps Certification exam. With these answers you will be able to score 80%+ exam and can get Google Ads Apps Certification. For that you need to just attempt all the questions mentioned for Google Ads Apps Certification.

At what level in the Google Ads interface does the marketer select Android or iOS as the mobile app platform?

Reporting level

Ad group level

Campaign level

Asset level

Our Expert Team researched a lot to keep website updated for certification practitioners for free. You can also contribute by updating new questions or existing question answer(s). We will give the credit for the same by adding your name on the question post. Kindly Comment below with your answers.

A quale livello nell’interfaccia Google Ads fa il marketing selezionare Android o iOS come piattaforma mobile app?
على أي مستوى في واجهة إعلانات جوجل لا المسوق اختيار الروبوت أو دائرة الرقابة الداخلية كمنصة لتطبيقات الجوال؟
A quel niveau dans l’interface des annonces Google ne la commercialisation sélectionner Android ou iOS comme la plate-forme d’application mobile?
¿A qué nivel en la interfaz de anuncios de Google no seleccionar el vendedor Android o iOS como la plataforma de aplicaciones móviles?
Auf welcher Ebene in der Google-Anzeigen-Schnittstelle nicht wählen die Vermarkter Android oder iOS als mobile App-Plattform?
На каком уровне в интерфейсе Google Ads ли маркетолог выбрать Android или IOS в качестве мобильной платформы приложений?
Em que nível na interface de anúncios do Google é que o comerciante escolher Android ou iOS como plataforma de aplicativo móvel?

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