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You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks?

Answers of Question You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product
Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks?
is The development team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the definition of “done”, asked in Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification Exam. You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks?

More About Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification

Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification is given by Scrumalliance and with Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Scrum Methodology. The Certified Scrum Master users will have professionally capable of working in Agile environment. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product
Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks? You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 75% on each assessment to receive credit. Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification will make you expert in Scrum Master Job, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

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You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product
Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks?

The development team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the definition of “done”

The development team should work the extra 8 hours to complete their commitment to the Product Owner

The development team should place the two Product Backlog items back onto the Product Backlog

The development team should keep the three tasks on the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint and complete those tasks first

Check All Question and Answers of Scrumalliance Certified Scrum Master Certification Exam Here.

Answer of You are the Scrum Master. The Sprint will complete in two days. Each day of the Sprint is equivalent to 8 hours. The team has just enough time to complete all tasks in the remaining 16 hours with the exception of three tasks. Of these three tasks, two tasks (a total of 6 hours) are required to complete one Product
Backlog item and one task (an estimate of 2 hours) is required to complete another Product Backlog item. How should the development team handle the remaining three tasks?

The development team should negotiate with the Product Owner on the definition of “done”

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