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What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer.

Answers of Question What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer. is The highest combined CTR and CPC will trigger impressions., asked in Yandex Direct Certification Exam. What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer.

More About Yandex Direct Certification

Yandex Direct Certification is given by Yandex and with Yandex Direct Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Yandex PPC campaigns. The Yandex Direct Certified users will have ability to present Yandex PPC campaigns capability. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer. You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 80% on each assessment to receive credit. Yandex Direct Certification will make you expert in Yandex PPC campaigns, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

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What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer.

The highest combined CTR and CPC will trigger impressions.

The criteria with the highest CPC and traffic volume will trigger impressions.

The criteria with the highest CTR will trigger impressions.

Check All Question and Answers of Yandex Direct Certification Exam Here.

Answer of What happens if an ad has both keyword and retargeting criteria? Select the most complete answer.

The highest combined CTR and CPC will trigger impressions.

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