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How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Mobile Phone?

Here is the guide for How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Phone. In this guide you will Factory reset your Samsung Galaxy A23 phone very easily in 2 minute. Factory reset is one of the method to hard reset. Samsung Factory reset is very easy but with Factory reset your all data will be erased. So if you are facing issue with your Samsung Galaxy A23 phone then you should visit Samsung service centre first and find out root cause before Factory reset Samsung Galaxy A23 mobile. You may want to visit Samsung Galaxy A23 Hard reset.How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Mobile Phone?

Things to do with Samsung Galaxy A23 Phone before Factory Reset

Samsung Galaxy A23 Hard Reset
Samsung Galaxy A23  Mobile IMEI Check

How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Phone ?

Here are the steps to Factory reset Samsung Galaxy A23 mobile phone. Follow steps by steps and make your Samsung Galaxy A23 phone brand new again. If any of the below mentioned options are not their in phone then move to next step.

Samsung Galaxy A23 Factory Reset Step 1 :
Search and select Samsung Galaxy A23 phone system setting option. Once system setting is selected, If you see Additional settings, then click Additional settings.
How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Mobile Phone?

Samsung Galaxy A23 Factory reset step 2 :
Select Backup and Reset option in your Samsung Galaxy A23. If you are not able to find the Backup and Reset Option then click About phone option their you will find the back and reset option.

Samsung Galaxy A23 Factory reset step 3 :
Select Reset to factory setting option in Samsung Galaxy A23
How to Factory Reset Samsung Galaxy A23 Mobile Phone?

Samsung Galaxy A23 Factory reset step 4 :
select erased all content and settings option in your Samsung Galaxy A23

Samsung Galaxy A23 Factory reset step 5 :
Atlast select Erase Data option in Samsung Galaxy A23 phone. This will erase all the data and makes your phone like new one.

Comment about your experience to Samsung Galaxy A23 factory reset. If you are facing any issue please do let us know in comment section.

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