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Cost of Living Comparison Between Jaipur and Ajman

Cost of living Jaipur vs Ajman. Moving to Jaipur or Ajman, Here it is comparison of cost of living between Jaipur and Ajman. will help you to choose better one with respect to cost of living. As on today there are many key parameter in cost of living comparison and these factors or parameters conclude with cost of living index. As on today Jaipur cost of living index is 24.13 and Ajman cost of index is 53.49. When you’re planning to a Jaipur or planning to move Ajman, these few parameters and cost of living index will help you to maintain your specific type of lifestyle. Accommodation with various property rate, food, market, transport, utilities, clothing, salary are few of the factors you have to consider when you plan to move to a new city.

If your overall expenses are 500$ in Jaipur and want to live similar lifestyle in Ajman then you need to spend 1108.37$ per month. Comparison of cost of living derived based on cost of living index of both the cities. compared all the details in USD $ and if you wish to convert in your currency use google currency converter.

cost of living Jaipurcost of living Ajman

Key Differences between Cost of living Jaipur vs Ajman

1. Restaurant Prices in Ajman are -41.97% than in Jaipur
2. Groceries Prices in Jaipur are 6.46% than in Ajman
3. Rent Prices in Jaipur are 69.22% than in Ajman
4. Utilities Prices in Jaipur are -30.67% than in Ajman

Accommodation Expenses in Jaipur vs Ajman

Accommodation is key factor to calculate cost of living. You can rent a place to live or buy a flat or house to live, these will add up expenses in your day to day life.

Rent Comparison between Jaipur and Ajman 

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Apartment – 1 BHK in City Centre 158.01$ 2,168.39 $ 1272.31%
Apartment – 1 BHK Outside of Centre 102.77$ 427.38 $ 315.86%
Apartment – 3 BHK in City Centre 336.66$ 1,103.99 $ 227.92%
Apartment – 3 BHK Outside of Centre 216.05$ 805.70 $ 272.92%

Apartment Purchase Cost Jaipur vs Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Buy Apartment in City Centre – Price per Square Meter 851.22$ 1,458.11 $ 71.3%
Buy Apartment Outside of Centre – Price per Square Meter 457.96$ 2,897.55 $ 532.71%

General Market Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Here you will find day to day life consumable item, with this you will get some idea about the daily expenses. You will get price difference of milk, bread, rice, egg, fruits etc.

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Milk, (1 liter) 0.66$ 1.41 $ 113.64%
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 0.4$ 0.78 $ 95%
Rice (white), (1kg) 0.75$ 1.87 $ 149.33%
Eggs (regular) (12) 0.94 $ 2.01 $ 113.83%
Local Cheese (1kg) 5.18$ 6.81 $ 31.47%
Chicken Fillets (1kg) 2.93 $ 4.63 $ 58.02%
Buffalo Round (1kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 5$ 7.08 $ 41.6%
Apples (1kg) 1.39$ 1.77 $ 27.34%
Banana (1kg) 0.41$ 1.46 $ 256.1%
Oranges (1kg) 0.68$ 1.59 $ 133.82%
Tomato (1kg) 0.44$ 1.41 $ 220.45%
Potato (1kg) 0.32$ 0.93 $ 190.63%
Onion (1kg) 0.46$ 0.80 $ 73.91%
Lettuce (1 head) 0.38$ 1.16 $ 205.26%
Water (1.5 liter bottle) 0.38$ 0.53 $ 39.47%
Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range) 10.92$ 10.21 $ -6.5%
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 1.6$ 9.05 $ 465.63%
Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 2.85$ 3.09 $ 8.42%
Cigarettes 20 Pack 4.64$ 6.13 $ 32.11%

Medical Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Cold medicine for 6 days (tylenol, frenadol, coldrex, or equivalent brands) 1.65$ 4.2$ 154.55%
1 box of antibiotics (12 doses) 3.38$ 18$ 432.54%
Short visit to private doctor (15 minutes) 7$ 102$ 1357.14%
1 box of 32 tampons (tampax, ob, …) 5.35$ 5$ -6.54%
Deodorant, roll-on (50ml ~ 1.5 oz.) 2.48$ 3.07$ 23.79%
Hair shampoo 2-in-1 (400 ml ~ 12 oz.) 2.76$ 6$ 117.39%
4 rolls of toilet paper 1.27$ 2.5$ 96.85%
Tube of toothpaste 0.95$ 3.5$ 268.42%
Standard men’s haircut in expat area of the city 3$ 21$ 600%

Restaurants Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 2.73$ 4.08$ 49.45%
Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course 10.92$ 68.06$ 523.26%
McDonalds (or Equivalent Combo Meal) 2.73$ 6.81 $ 149.45%
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught) 1.36$ 10.89 $ 700.74%
Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle) 4.95$ 13.61 $ 174.95%
Cappuccino (regular) 1.53$ 4.47 $ 192.16%
Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle) 0.48$ 0.74 $ 54.17%
Water (0.33 liter bottle) 0.22$ 0.27 $ 22.73%

Utilities Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment 54.94$ 121.83 $ 121.75%
1 min. of Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local (No Discounts or Plans) 0.01$ 0.12$ 121.75%
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 10.23$ 93.33$ 812.32%

Sports And Leisure Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 19.07$ 53.48$ 180.44%
Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend) 11.54$ 29.68$ 157.19%
Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat 4.09 $ 9.53$ 133.01%

Childcare Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Preschool (or Kindergarten), Full Day, Private, Monthly for 1 Child 51.67$ 334.07 $ 546.55%
International Primary School, Yearly for 1 Child 1509.55$ 5,717.24 $ 278.74%

Clothing And Shoes Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar) 30.08$ 34.96 $ 16.22%
1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store 32.41$ 56.20 $ 73.4%
1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes (Mid-Range) 49.47 69.23  39.94
1 Pair of Men Leather Business Shoes 41.12 60.28  46.6

Salaries And Financing between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) 444.69$ 1,174.08 $ 164.02%
Mortgage Interest Rate in Percentages (%), Yearly, for 20 Years Fixed-Rate 444.69$ 5.5$ -39.69%

Transportation Expenses between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman Difference
One-way Ticket (Local Transport) 0.27$ 1.36 $ 403.7%
Monthly Pass (Regular Price) 8.19$ 47.94$ 485.35%
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 0.51$ 2.99$ 486.27%
Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff) 0.16$ 0.34$ 112.5%
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 1.64$ 7.49$ 356.71%
Gasoline (1 liter) 1.13$ 0.56$ -50.44%
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car) 12281.07$ 26135.96$ 112.82%
Toyota Corolla Sedan 1.6l 97kW Comfort (Or Equivalent New Car) 21411.24$ 18881.87$ -11.81%

Cost of Living Comparison with other Cities

1. Cost of Living between Jaipur and Other cities
2. Cost of Living between Ajman and Other cities

Quality Life between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman
Purchasing Power Index 44.64 43.1
Safety Index 63.9 82.41
Health Care Index 72.8 46.53
Climate Index 57.76 43.42
Cost of Living Index 24.14 53.49
Property Price to Income Ratio 7.36 9.27
Traffic Commute Time Index 40.22 47
Pollution Index 61.91 64.34
Quality of Life Index: 127.02 110.51

Crime between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman
Level of crime 38.34 15.26
Crime increasing in the past 3 years 56.88 42.19
Worries home broken and things stolen 41.05 16.38
Worries being mugged or robbed 34.03 14.77
Worries car stolen 37.05 14.43
Worries things from car stolen 37.91 18.8
Worries attacked 33.6 16.1
Worries being insulted 25.47 13.79
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion 16.04 11.67
Problem people using or dealing drugs 29.25 17.24
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 41.79 18
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 29.44 17.19
Problem corruption and bribery 61.79 23.28
Safety walking alone during daylight 84.03 89.77
Safety walking alone during night 61.62 80.9

Health Care between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman
Skill and competency of medical staff 77.88 56.25
Speed in completing examination and reports 76.92 43.75
Equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment 71.15 62.5
Accuracy and completeness in filling out reports 74.04 50
Friendliness and courtesy of the staff 69.23 50
Satisfaction with responsiveness (waitings) in medical institutions 70 43.75
Satisfaction with cost to you 67 25
Convenience of location for you 82 62.5

Pollution between Jaipur and Ajman

Jaipur Ajman
Air Pollution 56.1 55.36
Drinking Water Pollution and Inaccessibility 40.71 50
Dissatisfaction with Garbage Disposal 56.82 58.93
Dirty and Untidy 56.17 61.54
Noise and Light Pollution 52.27 51.92
Water Pollution 63.4 42.31
Dissatisfaction to Spend Time in the City 44.69 57.69
Dissatisfaction with Green and Parks in the City 42.11 73.08
Air quality 43.9 44.64
Drinking Water Quality and Accessibility 59.29 50
Garbage Disposal Satisfaction 43.18 41.07
Clean and Tidy 43.83 38.46
Quiet and No Problem with Night Lights 47.73 38.46
Water Quality 36.6 57.69
Comfortable to Spend Time in the City 55.31 42.31
Quality of Green and Parks 57.89 26.92


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