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Art Friend Bras Basah Complex Singapore Contact Details, Address, Email, Reviews, Phone number

There is Art Friend store in Bras Basah Complex Singapore. you can visit other store in Singapore. if you are living near to Bras Basah Complex and are looking for various Arts and Crafts Shops in Bras Basah Complex, or looking for Arts and Crafts Shops near me or Arts and Crafts Shops store near me then this store in Bras Basah Complex will help you with there technical excellence. the official contact of Art Friend including Art Friend address, Art Friend telephone number, Art Friend fax number, Art Friend email id and so forth are recorded here for your reference. as this Art Friend is opened in Bras Basah Complex you never again need to stress over clothing service in Bras Basah Complex. this Art Friend is normally operational monday to sunday 24×7 hours. for any sort of grievance or after Arts and Crafts Shops store issue visit Art Friend, Bras Basah Complex headings given underneath. it is always prudent to call this Arts and Crafts Shops store before visiting.

services provided by Art Friend

Arts and Crafts Shops store in Bras Basah Complex Singapore
store in Bras Basah Complex Singapore
Arts and Crafts Shops store in Bras Basah Complex Singapore

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Art Friend
address Art Friend, Blk 231 Bain Street, #03-33, Bras Basah Complex Singapore 180231, Bras Basah Complex, Singapore
landmark Blk 231 Bain Street
phone number: NA
email NA
opening days monday to sunday
open timings 24×7

Art Friend customer care details

Art Friend customer care number : NA
Art Friend customer care email: NA

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Art Friend faq

1 where is Art Friend in Bras Basah Complex ?
There is 24×7 fashion accessories store named Art Friend in Bras Basah Complex.

2 what is Art Friend in Bras Basah Complex phone number ?

3 what is Art Friend customer care number ?

we compile information of Art Friend in Bras Basah Complex from official Art Friend website and different assets and utilize this data to show it a proficient and accessible way. can’t be considered in charge of any mistake that may happen in the above information, despite the fact that we generally attempt to keep the information right and refreshed however as there are hundred of organizations, keeping up 100% exactness is beyond the realm of imagination so we generally encourage to call Art Friend service center before visiting with your device. you can generally allude to the official site for most recent changes in the above information.

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1 Comment on this Article

  • Flex

    Bras Brash art friend very disappointing. I bought 4 cans of spray in Nov just before I when overseas. After I reach home we tried the spray all works perfectly fine except for 1. Brought it back to the shop for exchange, at one glance sales man Sebastian who has been working there for more than 20 years said he cannot do anything because he mention that we should try before leaving the shop and the cashier should have told me to try which I clearly remember she didn’t, trying to brush me off and offf that attitude…. I checked there aren’t any instructions nor the cashier ever ask me to test the product before leaving. Throughout the entire conversation I was very polite but what I get is no no and no, it’s my fault that I never test before I walk out of the shop.

    Then I found out while leaving the shop, there is small cardboard test box is also hidden by the side of the cashier which no one will ever notice. So I walked to the shelves again and bought another bigger can of spray (thinner base this time), again the cashier did not mention that I should do the test. I paid for it and tested the entire bottle within the air condition shop. Sebastian came back to me while I was testing and told me that the box is just for testing, I told him “ya I was testing, cause I wouldn’t know if it will stop functioning half way” (sometimes that will happen) also I mention again the cashier didn’t instruct me that I should test, he was dumbfounded. He walked away and came back after a minute or so with the can which I pass him previously and said there was a stopper under the nozzle, then I asked him “so you want to refund this bottle or three other bottles because the other three bottles is without the stopper”, he then didn’t know how to reply again and went away.
    That smell sent some of the customers walking out of the shop without buying anything.

    I was an art student 20 years ago and is always interested in arts and crafts. Art friend has been my only choice now for my kid because of the vast brands art friend holds . But seriously if that kind of service staff you have turns me off entirely.

    If you aren’t interested to become a service staff please stay home don’t destroy the business just because you are not interested or even you are the boss or supervisor these brands shouldn’t work with you.

    Place the test box out of sight isn’t going to help, plus it’s in an air conditioning this causes health and environment issues to your staff and customers, also by not briefing your floor staff what to do, then don’t put the blame on customers.

    Art friend isn’t taking care of staff’s health and well being is that correct?

    I don’t see any fire extinguisher near to the testing area which could cause fire, especially testing of spray is performed. Plus the testing box is made up by a random cardboard box?

    Is thinner base products allowed in enclosed air conditioning area?

    on 31st December 2022   |   Reply

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