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An advertiser’s main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend?

Answers of Question An advertiser’s main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend? is Average ROI., asked in Yandex Direct Certification Exam. An advertisers main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend?

More About Yandex Direct Certification

Yandex Direct Certification is given by Yandex and with Yandex Direct Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Yandex PPC campaigns. The Yandex Direct Certified users will have ability to present Yandex PPC campaigns capability. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, An advertiser’s main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend? You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 80% on each assessment to receive credit. Yandex Direct Certification will make you expert in Yandex PPC campaigns, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

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An advertiser’s main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend?

“Weekly budget: Maximum conversion rate” — the more conversions (orders), the higher the profitability.

A manual bid management strategy, setting click price at a level high enough for First Premium placement. The more traffic, the higher the profitability.

Average ROI.

If he has statistics to refer to, then the “Weekly click package” is best. He should just increase the number of clicks in the strategy settings a bit.

Check All Question and Answers of Yandex Direct Certification Exam Here.

Answer of An advertiser’s main goal is to maintain or increase profit from his investment in online advertising. Which strategy would you recommend?

Average ROI.

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L’obiettivo principale di un inserzionista è quello di mantenere o aumentare il profitto dal suo investimento nella pubblicità online. Quale strategia mi consiglia?
الهدف الرئيسي المعلن هو الحفاظ على أو زيادة الربح من استثماره في الاعلان على شبكة الانترنت. الاستراتيجية التي تنصحين؟
de son investissement dans la publicité en ligne l’objectif principal d’un annonceur est de maintenir ou d’augmenter le profit. Quelle stratégie recommanderiez-vous?
El objetivo principal de un anunciante es mantener o aumentar los beneficios de su inversión en publicidad en línea. ¿Qué estrategia le recomendaría?
AN Hauptziel des Werbenden ist Gewinn aus seiner Investition in Online-Werbung zu erhalten oder zu erhöhen. Welche Strategie würden Sie empfehlen?
Основная цель стороны рекламодателя является сохранение или увеличение прибыли от своих инвестиций в интернет-рекламу. Какую стратегию вы бы порекомендовали?
principal objetivo de um anunciante é manter ou aumentar o lucro de seu investimento em publicidade online. Qual estratégia você recomendaria?

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