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The majority of five-star reviews for apps in the Google Play Store praise which of the following three qualities? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Here are the answers Design, Usability, Speed, of Google Ads Apps Certification question The majority of five-star reviews for apps in the Google Play Store praise which of the following three qualities? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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1. Google Ads Apps Certification Official Link
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The majority of five-star reviews for apps in the Google Play Store praise which of the following three qualities? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses


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