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In which two scenarios would it make sense for the advertiser to run a campaign focused on in-app actions? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Here are the answers A dating app earns $50 in revenue every time an app user upgrades to Premium level, A banking app knows those who use the app to deposit checks are more likely to remain loyal customers, of Google Ads Apps Certification question In which two scenarios would it make sense for the advertiser to run a campaign focused on in-app actions? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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In which two scenarios would it make sense for the advertiser to run a campaign focused on in-app actions? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

A travel app looking to increase their user base by 50% in the next six months

A dating app earns $50 in revenue every time an app user upgrades to Premium level

A banking app knows those who use the app to deposit checks are more likely to remain loyal customers

An entertainment app provides unlimited video views to users

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In cui due scenari avrebbe senso per l’inserzionista di eseguire una campagna incentrata sulla in-app azioni? (Scegliere due.) Seleziona tutte le risposte corrette
في اثنين من السيناريوهات سيكون معنى للمعلن لتشغيل حملة تركز على الإجراءات داخل التطبيق؟ (اختر اثنين.) حدد جميع الإجابات الصحيحة
Où deux scénarios serait-il logique pour l’annonceur de mener une campagne axée sur les actions en application? (Choisissez deux réponses.) Toutes les réponses correctes
これには2つのシナリオ、広告主がキャンペーンを実行することが理にかなっているが、アプリ内の行動に焦点を当てましたか? (2を選択してください。)すべての正答を選択
En el que dos escenarios tendría sentido para el anunciante para ejecutar una campaña centrada en acciones en la aplicación? (Elija dos.) Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas
In dem zwei Szenarien wäre es sinnvoll, für den Werbetreibenden eine Kampagne konzentrierte sich auf In-App-Aktionen ausgeführt werden? Wählen Sie (Wählen Sie zwei.) Alle richtigen Antworten
В котором два сценария бы смысл для рекламодателя, чтобы запустить кампанию сосредоточены на действия в приложении? (Выберите два.) Выбрать все правильные ответы
在这两种情况下会是有意义的广告运行活动应用程序内集中行动? (选择两项。)选择正确的回应
No qual dois cenários faria sentido para o anunciante para executar uma campanha focada em ações no aplicativo? (Escolha duas.) Selecione todas as respostas corretas

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