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How to install Jio Tv in Mi Tv Stick in 2 Minutes ?

You can Install Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick or add Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick easily and quickly in 2 minutes. This guide tell about how to add Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick or How to install Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick. Jio tv app allows you to watch around 100+ channels and 100+ on-demand shows and movies. Jio TV can be installed on Android, IOS, XBox, Roku etc. Mi Tv Stick is an android device so in this tutorial, we will learn how to install Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick. With Jio TV on Mi Tv Stick tutorial you can watch thousands of shows and video anytime on Xiaomi Mi Tv Stick device.


How to install Jio Tv in Mi Tv Stick ?

Jio TV app is available directly in Google play and we can download and install Jio Tv in Mi Tv Stick device externally. Here we are sharing two way to download and install Jio Tv on Mi Tv Stick.

  1. Install Jio Tv app on Mi Tv Stick using Google Play
  2. Install Jio Tv app on Mi Tv Stick using APK

Choose any one method and follow the steps one by one.



Install Jio Tv app on Mi Tv Stick using Google Play

You can install Jio Tv application on Mi Tv Stick with Google play also. Follow the steps to install.

1. Go to apps and click on Google Play app

2. Search Jio TV on google play

3. Click to install jio tv app.



Install Jio Tv app on Mi Tv Stick using APK

You need to download Jio Tv application apk first on Mi Tv Stick using PC File Transfer and then install the Jio Tv on Mi TV Stick. Follow below steps

1. Download APK on mobile or laptop

2. Click on PC File Transfer as shown in image



3. Make it On by toggling the switch and open Ip address with port in your PC and copy Jio TV apk on Mi Tv Stick.



4. Go to internal storage and click on downloaded Jio TV Apk.  You will get pop up saying “For you security, you phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this source“. Click on Settings button.


5. On next pop up screen, Give the permission to Jio TV App by toggling the switch as shown in image.



Enjoy Jio TV!!


Once you install Jio Tv app on Mi Tv Stick please do let us know about you experience or problem you faced while following how to install Jio tv on Mi Tv Stick. We will work on your suggestion actively.


Related Search:  Jio tv on Mi Tv Stick, jio app on mi tv stick, watch jio tv channel in mi tv stick, add jio tv mi tv stick, how to install jio tv in mi tv stick, Mi tv stick jio app, jio tv apk for mi tv stick, how to download jio tv in mi tv stick, how to get jio tv on mi tv stick

2 Comments on this Article

  • Laxmi

    After installation it is asking for update. When clicking in update, it is saying this app is not compatible with

    on 15th July 2021   |   Reply
  • Naresh

    Jio app is not running, it ask for update and then unable to connect to the internet error displayed

    on 28th January 2023   |   Reply

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