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Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Here are the answers Machine learning can analyze millions of signals and placements in real time, Machine learning reduces human bias and common errors, of Google Ads Apps Certification question Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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Angela is explaining the advantages of machine learning in Google App campaigns to her colleagues. Which two statements are strong arguments for using machine learning over human input? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Machine learning can analyze millions of signals and placements in real time

Machine learning reduces human bias and common errors

Machine learning can have a better understanding of business objectives

Machine learning is more capable of interpreting human emotion

Our Expert Team researched a lot to keep website updated for certification practitioners for free. You can also contribute by updating new questions or existing question answer(s). We will give the credit for the same by adding your name on the question post. Kindly Comment below with your answers.

Angela sta spiegando i vantaggi di apprendimento automatico in Google App campagne per i suoi colleghi. Che due affermazioni sono forti argomenti per l’utilizzo di apprendimento automatico su input umano? (Scegliere due.) Seleziona tutte le risposte corrette
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Angela est d’expliquer les avantages de l’apprentissage automatique dans Google App campagnes à ses collègues. Quels sont les deux déclarations sont des arguments solides pour l’utilisation de l’apprentissage de la machine sur l’entrée humaine? (Choisissez deux réponses.) Toutes les réponses correctes
アンジェラは、彼女の同僚にはGoogle Appキャンペーンで機械学習の利点を説明しています。どの2つのステートメントは、人間の入力を介して機械学習を利用するための強力な引数ですか? (2を選択してください。)すべての正答を選択
Angela es explicar las ventajas del aprendizaje de máquina en Google App campañas a sus colegas. ¿Qué dos afirmaciones son fuertes argumentos para utilizar la máquina de aprendizaje sobre la intervención humana? (Elija dos.) Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas
Angela erklärt die Vorteile des maschinellen Lernens in Google App-Kampagnen zu ihren Kollegen. Welche beiden Aussagen sind starke Argumente für die Verwendung des maschinellen Lernens über menschliches Zutun? Wählen Sie (Wählen Sie zwei.) Alle richtigen Antworten
Анжела объясняет преимущества машинного обучения в Google App кампании для своих коллег. Какие два утверждения являются сильные аргументы в пользу использования машинного обучения над человеческим входом? (Выберите два.) Выбрать все правильные ответы
安吉拉解释谷歌应用程序的机器学习的优势,广告系列和她的同事们。这两种说法是使用机器学习过的人力投入强烈的反对意见? (选择两项。)选择正确的回应
Angela está explicando as vantagens da aprendizagem de máquina no Google App campanhas para seus colegas. Qual duas afirmações são argumentos fortes para a utilização de aprendizagem de máquina sobre a entrada humana? (Escolha duas.) Selecione todas as respostas corretas

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