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An education company is uploading image assets for their Google App campaign. What are three guidelines they should follow to optimize their image asset mix? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Here are the answers Include the maximum of 20 images for coverage, Include images with high pixel density for visibility, Include app store badges and brand logo for credibility, of Google Ads Apps Certification question An education company is uploading image assets for their Google App campaign. What are three guidelines they should follow to optimize their image asset mix? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Google Ads Apps Certification is give by Google and with Google Ads Apps Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of creating Google App campaigns to deliver business impact. Google Ads Apps Certified users will show they understand the fundamentals of campaign creation and advanced optimization strategies. Google Ads Apps Certification will make you expert in App campaigns drive marketing success by enabling user discovery and engagement. You will be able to create an App campaign to meet a specific marketing goal. Above all you will be able to elevate the performance of an app campaign with advanced strategies for campaign, creative and measurement excellence and will be able to enhance app quality and discoverability.

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An education company is uploading image assets for their Google App campaign. What are three guidelines they should follow to optimize their image asset mix? (Choose three.) Select All Correct Responses

Include large borders for image clarity

Include the maximum of 20 images for coverage

Include images with high pixel density for visibility

Include app store badges and brand logo for credibility

Include large text for accessibility

Our Expert Team researched a lot to keep website updated for certification practitioners for free. You can also contribute by updating new questions or existing question answer(s). We will give the credit for the same by adding your name on the question post. Kindly Comment below with your answers.

Una società di formazione è il caricamento risorse di immagini per la loro campagna di Google App. Quali sono le tre linee guida che dovrebbero seguire per ottimizzare la loro immagine asset mix? (Scegliere tre.) Seleziona tutte le risposte corrette
شركة التعليم يتم تحميل أصول صورة لحملة جوجل التطبيق الخاصة بهم. ما هي ثلاثة المبادئ التوجيهية التي ينبغي اتباعها لتحسين مزيج من الأصول الصورة؟ (اختر ثلاثة.) حدد جميع الإجابات الصحيحة
Une société d’éducation L’ajout des actifs d’image pour leur campagne Google App. Quelles sont les trois lignes directrices qu’ils devraient suivre pour optimiser leur portefeuille d’actifs d’image? (Choisissez trois.) Sélectionner toutes les réponses correctes
教育会社が自分のGoogleアプリのキャンペーンのための画像アセットをアップロードしています。彼らは画像アセットミックスを最適化するために従うべき3つのガイドラインは何ですか? (3を選択してください。)すべての正答を選択
Una compañía de la educación es subir activos de imagen para su campaña de Google App. ¿Cuáles son tres pautas que deben seguir para optimizar su mezcla de activos imagen? (Elija tres.) Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas
Eine Ausbildung Firma lädt Bild-Assets für ihre Google App-Kampagne. Was sind drei Leitlinien sollten sie ihr Image Asset-Mix zu optimieren folgen? (Drei richtige Antworten.) Wählen Sie Alle richtigen Antworten
Образование компания загрузки графических ресурсов для их Google App кампании. Какие три правил они должны следовать, чтобы оптимизировать их изображения сочетания активов? (Выберите три.) Выбрать все правильные ответы
教育公司上传影像资产,他们的谷歌应用程序活动。什么是他们应该遵循以优化自己的形象资产组合三项准则? (选择三项。)选择正确的回应
Uma empresa de educação é upload ativos de imagem para a sua campanha Google App. Quais são as três diretrizes que deve seguir para otimizar sua imagem mix de ativos? (Escolha três.) Selecione todas as respostas corretas

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