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A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session?

Answers of Question A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session? is Search engine, asked in Yandex Metrica Certification Exam. A user comes to a site via Yandexs search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session?

More About Yandex Metrica Certification

Yandex Metrica Certification is given by Yandex and with Yandex Metrica Certification you can demonstrate your mastery of Yandex web analytics. The Yandex Metrica Certified users will have professionally capable of working with the Yandex.Metrica service. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session? You have to complete all course videos, modules, and assessments and receive a minimum score of 80% on each assessment to receive credit. Yandex Metrica Certification will make you expert in web analytics, through which you can converts into leads and new customers and gain benefit in your business or career .

Other Important Yandex Exam Links – Must visit

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1. Yandex Metrica Certification Official Link
2. Completed Yandex Metrica Certification Exam Answers
3. Completed Yandex Certification Exam Details
3. Other Best Free Certification Exam Details is providing the answer of questions asked in Yandex Metrica Certification exam. With these answers you will be able to score 100%+ exam and can get Yandex Metrica Certification. For that you need to just attempt all the questions mentioned for Yandex Metrica Certification.

A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session?

Direct traffic

Search engine

Session will be recorded in both traffic source reports

Check All Question and Answers of Yandex Metrica Certification Exam Here.

Answer of A user comes to a site via Yandex’s search engine, then immediately closes the page. After that the user types the address of the site into their browser and goes directly to that site. What is the traffic source of this session?

Search engine

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Un utente arriva a un sito tramite motore di ricerca Yandex, quindi chiude immediatamente la pagina. Dopo che l’utente digita l’indirizzo del sito nel proprio browser e va direttamente a quel sito. Qual è la fonte di traffico di questa sessione?
يأتي مستخدم إلى الموقع عن طريق محرك بحث ياندكس، ثم على الفور إغلاق الصفحة. بعد ذلك قام المستخدم بكتابة عنوان الموقع في المتصفح ويذهب مباشرة إلى هذا الموقع. ما هو مصدر حركة المرور من هذه الدورة؟
Un utilisateur vient à un site via le moteur de recherche Yandex, puis ferme immédiatement la page. Après que les types d’utilisateurs l’adresse du site dans leur navigateur et va directement à ce site. Quelle est la source de trafic de cette session?
Un usuario llega a su sitio a través de motores de búsqueda de Yandex, a continuación, se cierra inmediatamente la página. Después de que el usuario escribe la dirección de la página en el navegador y va directamente a ese sitio. ¿Cuál es la fuente de tráfico de esta sesión?
Ein Benutzer kommt zu einer Website über Yandex Suchmaschine, dann sofort die Seite geschlossen wird. Danach gibt der Benutzer die Adresse der Website in den Browser und direkt an dieser Stelle geht. Wie ist die Verkehrsquelle dieser Sitzung?
Пользователь заходит на сайт через поисковую систему Яндекс, а затем сразу же закрывает страницу. После этого пользователь вводит адрес сайта в браузере и идет прямо на этом сайте. Что является источником трафика этой сессии?
Um usuário chega a um site através do motor de busca do Yandex, em seguida, fecha imediatamente a página. Depois que o usuário digita o endereço do site no seu navegador e vai diretamente para esse site. Qual é a fonte de tráfego desta sessão?

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